Benefits of hosting in Australia

Why choose Australian Hosting

It’s a common trend at the moment to choose hosting companies that are overseas because they appear cheaper. But you also need to think about your Customers Experience, which is now an SEO ranking factor. How will your website preform? Will there be a delay? If I have an issue will I have quick support to help you? How will it better your Australian search engine ranking if you go with an overseas provider? Last but not least how will it help the local Australian economy if your business is buying hosting overseas. There is a big push to keep business in Australia this will stimulate our economy therefore it’s a win win for Australia, and the wider community.

Fast Load Times & Better Customer Experience what would you chose anything else.

Choosing Australian Hosting will mean you customer will have faster downloads even if they have slow internet connection. If you choose to have your site hosted over seas the requested have to go through multiple points as it travels from overseas. This means the load time on your side will lag. This will go against you when it comes to google rankings for your site. Having a Australian Hosted site will cut the load time significantly as it has a shorter distance to travel, shorter distance means faster load times. Your customers won’t have to wait and they can use your site faster and more efficiently.

Why is it hard to find the Right Support?

When choosing a hosting company for your website you need to choose the right one for you. If you choose an Australian provider you will get local support, someone friendly when you need help. If you choose over seas company you run the risk of only being able to contact them via an expensive international phone number for help, and sometimes you won’t be able to call them outside their country.

Now this can be very costly and time consuming. You may only have a small time window to call them due to time difference. If there is no contact but they offer you email support this can mean hours before they action your request this can and will be quite frustrating especially if the issues is import or urgent durning core business hours.

Thing to remember the time differences between Australia and America and other countries. During Australia business hours, America outside business hours this means less staff to will be on to support you, meaning longer waiting times. At present there are large number of “fly by nighter” hosting companies popping up all the time particular durning the American summer while schools out. Then months later they are gone with out notice. Do you really want to trust your professional Australian business with one of there’s companies or would you rather trust your business with an Australian established company.

Google Knows everything even where you are based?

Your website IP address is the way Google can located where your site is hosted. Search engines provide customers with the most relevant results in there local listing areas and there are not exemptions. Having an Australian IP address, your information will appear in a searchers in your local area as well as Australia. This means if a customer is looking for a Brisbane or Sydney company and your IP is Australian and your company matches the search results, your business and site will be shown.

If you have a .com website its recommended you choose an Australian hosting company or you run the risk of Google thinking your business in not Australian and there for not a relevant for the search your potential customer has just done. This means a loss of potential income or you and your business.

Why would you take money out of the Australian Economy?

You’re crazy if you don’t use an Australian web hosting company. You’re taking valuable money out of the Australian economy and “giving it away to god knows who” if you support Australian businesses you’re then supporting our economy and jobs and other providers in our value chain. This in turn provides more jobs in the Australian web services and cloud hosting industry.

Keep it local! Then Australian’s economy will be better and stronger for it.

Let us help you be successful and grow your business with reliable hosting.

Aussie Hosts provided secure, reliable Web Hosting with 24/7/365 support. However if your website is currently hosted overseas and you are wanting to move to reliable Australian hosting company, we can assist you.

To find out more about your options, view our cloud web hosting page, give us a call on 1300 657 900, tweet us @aussiehosts we look forward to helping you grow your business.

How do I get started with web hosting

Get Started With Web Hosting

To take your business online its pretty simple with Aussie Hosts.

If your a simple business with a website just looking to get yourself found online:

If your an ecommerce business: